There is a large number of tobacco products on the market. In addition to traditional cigarettes, you can also get electronic ones, or the increasingly popular snus. What is the difference between these two alternatives, and which one is the best for you? 

Differences in Use

The biggest difference between chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes is how they are used. There are two options available: 

Inhalation into the Lungs

Inhalation into the lungs is a traditional method, which you will also encounter with regular cigarettes. However, unlike regular cigarettes, electronic ones don’t need to be lit. You just need to take them out of the package and start using them. 

The advantage of inhalation is that if you are a smoker and have experience with regular cigarettes, you won’t have to get used to it. The whole process will be very natural for you.  

On the other hand, keep in mind that electronic cigarettes are banned not only indoors but also in many public spaces. Therefore, you won’t be able to use them everywhere.

Application under the Lip

You don’t inhale chewing tobacco. You apply it directly under the lip. If you have pouches, you just take them out of the package and place them in your mouth. If you have chosen loose snus, you will need to take a certain amount and shape it into a ball.  

The biggest advantage of snus is that it can be used without major restrictions. You can put it under your lip at home, at work, in a restaurant, or in the car. If you don’t want anyone to notice it, instead of a normal or large size, you can get a discreet alternative in mini or slim form.

Thanks to its wide range of uses, snus is ideal for anyone who can’t take a moment to go out and have a cigarette. It is also handy for situations where you know you will be travelling for a long time or spending several hours indoors, such as in a movie theatre.

The only downside of snus is that heavy smokers may miss the sensation of inhalation. However, this can be quickly overcome. 

Differences in Composition

There are also differences in the composition between snus and electronic cigarettes

Composition of Snus

The composition of snus varies and differs depending on the brand or the product itself. Typically, it includes: 

  • tobacco containing nicotine,
  • water,
  • salt,
  • sodium bicarbonate,
  • glycerol, 
  • flavourings.

Last but not least, aromatic compounds are also present to provide a pleasant taste. 

The individual components undergo several stages of production, resulting in either traditional loose snus or popular portioned snus characterized by easy use. 

Portioned snus is further divided into:

  • Original portion – brown moist pouches that are characterized by releasing nicotine and flavour immediately upon placement under the lip. However, they require more frequent spitting. 
  • White portion – white pouches that are slightly moistened. However, their content is dry, so they do not require as frequent spitting. They also have the advantage of not staining teeth. 
  • White dry portion – dry pouches with a white surface. They release flavour and nicotine gradually, ensuring a long-lasting experience. 

Composition of Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes e-liquid, which consists of aromatic substances, glycerine, and propylene glycol. Many also contain nicotine, but you will also find nicotine-free alternatives on the market. 

The aromatic substances contained in electronic cigarettes are usually based on natural ingredients. However, some may be purely chemical compounds. 

Differences in Health Effects

Each tobacco product has a certain impact on health, which varies depending on its usage and composition. In the case of snus and electronic cigarettes, we could talk about the following effects: 

Impact of Snus on Health

Snus can mainly affect your gums and teeth. Subsequently, it also has other negative effects resulting from nicotine. These may include: 

  • increased blood pressure,
  • accelerated heart rate,
  • headaches,
  • nausea.

However, it is worth mentioning that all products containing nicotine have these effects. This includes nicotine pouches as well as traditional or electronic cigarettes.

In recent years, snus has undergone several studies. These studies found that it is better than regular cigarettes because it is not carcinogenic. It does not contribute to the development of lung cancer or cardiovascular diseases. 

Pouches also do not contain as many harmful substances as smoked tobacco products. This is due to modern production and storage methods. Their impact on health is therefore significantly lower.  

Moreover, one should not forget about the healthy alternatives offered by several popular brands today. These usually include nicotine pouches containing vitamins and minerals, without tobacco but only nicotine extracted from the Nicotiana tabacum plant. Some are even nicotine-free, such as products from the KickUp brand.

Impact of Electronic Cigarettes on Health

Electronic cigarettes are considered a relatively new product, and their health effects are still the subject of research and studies. However, initial results suggest that they pose a lower health risk than traditional cigarettes. They can therefore help with smoking cessation. 

Similarly to snus, there are also products containing vitamins or minerals in this category. These are known as healthy vape, often featuring interesting flavours.  

However, it is important to note that even healthy vape alternatives with vitamins can impact health in some way. For example, if they contain nicotine, they may have side effects associated with its use, such as headaches or dizziness.  

Differences in Flavours and Selection

When purchasing snus, you have countless flavours to choose from. These are divided into:

  • Classic flavours – spicy tobacco taste ideal for lovers of classics.
  • Fruit flavours – preferred by those who enjoy sweet flavours. You can choose from flavours like strawberry, banana, apple, cherry, or lime. 
  • Menthol and mint flavours – a fresh taste that can invigorate and pleasantly cool. 
  • Ice flavours – usually fruit flavour complemented by an icy undertone. They are excellent, for example, for summer.
  • Other alternatives – interesting flavours such as coffee, vanilla, chocolate, or cinnamon also fall into this category. 

Electronic cigarettes also come in various flavours, but there are not as many compared to snus. The most common ones are menthol and fruit, but in the portfolio of some brands, you may occasionally find less traditional options like vanilla, coffee, or cinnamon. 

Differences in Price

Price is a very specific parameter that is affected by both brand and the product. For example, some special editions may be much more expensive than the classic ones.   

In general, snus is usually cheaper than electronic cigarettes. The same applies to regular cigarettes.

On the other hand, if you compare the prices of electronic cigarettes with regular ones, in terms of long-term use, electronic ones are most cost-effective. Although the initial investment is higher, most products provide you with 700 or more puffs. They last much longer as a result.