The selection and purchase of snus can be slightly complicated nowadays. On the market, in addition to quality products, there are various substitutes enticing with very low prices. Although these products may initially look almost identical to the more expensive ones, they actually differ in many aspects. They typically contain substances that can lead to various health complications. How to distinguish quality snus from cheap substitutes and what to watch out for? 

What Is Fake Snus?

Simply put, fake snus is a product that pretends to be real snus but contains low-quality ingredients. This is why it often has an indistinct and bland taste or may not be sufficiently strong.

However, that is not all. Fake snus often does not undergo necessary quality controls, which means it may contain raw materials that can negatively affect health. Regular use of fake snus can, therefore, be very dangerous. 

It is always good to think carefully before buying cheap and fake snus. The Money saved may go not only at the expense of the experience you would otherwise gain from snus but also at the expense of your health. 

How To Identify Fake Snus?

In the current market, where there are countless products, identifying fake snus is challenging and complicated. However, there are several details that should make the entire process easier. These include: 

Origin and Brand Credibility

Buying snus from a trustworthy brand is one of the best solutions. There is a very small probability that reputable manufacturers with a long history would offer fake and low-quality products.  

If you are a beginner in the snus area and are not familiar with it, gather more information about the chosen brand. Learn about its origin, read customer reviews, and find out if its products are sold by large and well-known stores-

Attention should be particularly heightened with new brands that have recently entered the market, as they may pose a risk.  

Seller’s Credibility

If you are not buying snus directly from the brand but from a seller (e.g., an e-shop), gather more information about them as well. Read customer reviews, find out when the seller was established, and check which brands they sell. Additionally, pay attentions to prices – if they are too low, there is a possibility that fake imitations and low-quality products are being offered.

Packaging and Label

Cheap snus can by revealed by poorly executed packaging. Therefore, thoroughly inspect it after ordering. If you are purchasing snus in physical stores, examine the packaging before making any payment.  

Minor imperfections, such as design deviations or printing errors, may not be noticeable at the first glance. That is why you should study the packaging in detail, especially if you are buying snus from an unfamiliar store.  

Taste and Aroma

Quality snus has a distinctive taste and aroma. It is usually rich and heavy, combining spicy tobacco tones with fruity, menthol, or any other chosen aroma.  

The aroma of fake products is typically weak and indistinguishable, making it hard to identify the ingredients. The same applies to taste.  

High Content of Various Substances

A too high content of various substances that should not be present in snus can indicate that you have purchased a fake product. If you notice anything unusual in the composition or experience unpleasant side effects after using snus, refrain from further use. It could cause unnecessary complications.

Snus Ingredients – What Should Be in It?

Fake and very cheap snus is characterized by containing many harmful ingredients. To identify them, you need to know the common ingredients in snus. These include:

  • tobacco,
  • water,
  • salt,
  • sodium carbonate,
  • glycerol,
  • aroma compounds,
  • agents,

And although the composition is important when choosing snus, do not rely solely on it. Manufacturers of fake products may not disclose all the ingredients they used, or they may deceive you by how they label them. For example, the composition may indicate that the product contains tobacco, but the fact that a low-quality variant was used in its products may not be disclosed. 

Natural vs. Synthetic Snus

In connection with the composition, it is worth mentioning that based on the ingredients used, snus is divided into:

  • Natural – made from tobacco leaves and natural aromatic substances. Many prefer it for its authenticity and unmistakable taste. 
  • Synthetic – created to achieve certain taste and aromatic properties. It contains artificial substances and substitutes for natural ingredients.

Synthetic snus does not necessarily mean that it is fake or of low quality. If it is produced by a trustworthy brand and uses verified and safe ingredients, it should guarantee a great user experience and should not have any harmful effects. 

Factors Influencing the Price, Taste, and Quality of Real Snus

Some types of snus are cheaper, while others are more expensive. The price, as well as the taste and quality, are influenced by several factors, including: 

  • type of tobacco,
  • type and quantity of added substances,
  • manufacturing process,
  • nicotine content,
  • local regulations,
  • innovations and trends.

The brand itself and the methods or technologies it uses also have a significant impact on quality. Manufacturers with a long history are a safe bet, as they have learned over the years how to produce tasty and strong snus, ensuring the best experience.  

Methods of Testing Snus Quality

Real snus undergoes various quality testing methods, including various chemical analyses, microbiological tests, analyses of tobacco leaves, sensory evaluations, and nicotine content tests. This ensures the high safety of the product and its health harmlessness. 

In the case of fake and cheap snus, do not expect any tests. These products go straight to the market after production, so it is not precisely known what they contain. 

Why Is It Important to Choose Quality Snus?

Real snus has several advantages that make it worth choosing:

  • Great experience – quality snus contains only the best ingredients that can provide you with an unforgettable experience of using the product. 
  • Does not contain harmful substances – verified snus undergoes several tests to ensure its health harmlessness. Therefore, you do not have to worry about unpleasant side effects when using it. 
  • Wide variety – quality snus is available in many sizes, formats, and flavours. You will surely find what suits you.
  • Great price – despite being more expensive than fake snus, the price for products from popular and trusted brands is reasonable.
  • Dozens of brands – many reputable brands with a long history produce real snus today. These include for example General, Göteborgs Rapé, Makla, Röda, or Ettan.

Safety Standards in the Production and Packaging of Snus

Safety standards in the production and packaging of snus vary and depend on the brand itself, as well as the legislation and regulations applicable in specific countries and regions. They usually concern limits on nicotine content, or the safety of chemicals used in the snus production and preparation process. 

Trustworthy brands accept and adhere to all these standards, increasing the safety of their products. In fact, most of them provide information about the standards on their website.