Portioned snus is packaged in pouches placed under the lip. These pouches are compact, easy to carry, and many are discreet enough for use at work or in a restaurant. But have you ever wondered what would happen if you accidentally swallowed one? We have complied all the risks and important information in this article. 

What Are Snus Pouches Made Of?

Snus pouches are made from various ingredients, none of which are toxic. Otherwise, their sale wouldn’t be permitted.  

The specific ingredients depend on the brand, but typically include commonly available substances such as: 

  • Salt
  • Water
  • Flavours
  • Sweeteners

What Happens If You Swallow Snus?

If you accidentally swallow a snus pouch, don’t panic. As mentioned above, the product’s ingredients are not toxic, so you don’t need to worry about severe health complications.

However, just because swallowing snus is not deadly doesn’t mean you should make a habit of it. The pouches are not designed for ingestion and contain various substances that, in large amounts, can cause discomfort. After using snus, you should remove the pouch from your mouth and dispose of it properly. 

Symptoms You May Experience After Swallowing Snus

Accidentally swallowing a snus pouch occasionally is not dangerous. However, it may be associated with symptoms such as:

  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive sweating
  • Weakness
  • Excessive saliva production

All symptoms should subside on their own within a few hours. If they persist, consult your doctor. 

What Problems Can Regular Swallowing of Snus Cause?

Manufacturers and sellers clearly state that snus is meant to be placed under the lip. Despite this, some users believe that swallowing it will make it more effective. This is not true. 

Once the pouch reaches the stomach, digestive acids destroy most of its ingredients. The amount of nicotine absorbed into your body will be minimal.  

If you find that snus is not strong enough, consider getting a pouch with a higher nicotine content or try a different flavour or brand. 

The issue with regularly swallowing snus is not just that you won’t get the same benefit as placing it under your lip, but also that it can cause various health complications, such as:  

Digestive System Problems

The nicotine in the pouch is dangerous for your stomach in large and regular amounts. It increases the production of digestive acids, which try to break it down, potentially leading to pain, cramps, and other discomforts.

There is also a risk of an allergic reaction, which is significantly higher if you haven’t eaten beforehand. 

Cardiovascular Problems

Regularly consuming snus casn increase your heart rate or blood pressure. This issue is particularly concerning for individuals with hypertension, atherosclerosis, or other cardiovascular conditions. 

Additional Negative Effects

Each snus pouch has a specific intensity. When used correctly, it releases only the amount of nicotine specified by the manufacturer. However, this does not apply if you chew or swallow the pouch. In such cases, the nicotine primarily enters the digestive tract, where large and regular doses can cause poisoning. 

Nicotine poisoning is a serious health issue. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and loss of appetite. These symptoms last much longer than those experienced when swallowing a pouch occasionally and can lead to other complications. It is crucial to seek medical help. 

What to Do If You Swallow Snus

Did you place snus under the lip and after some time you forgot about it or just were not cautious enough and swallower it? First rinse your mouth and drink at least a glass of water. Try to remain calm and monitor yourself for any adverse effects over the next few hours.

If you start feeling unwell, experience excessive sweating, or have a headache, it is best to lie down for a while. These unpleasant sensations should subside on their own after a few hours. 

Can You Swallow Snus Spit?

Manufacturers generally do not recommend swallowing the saliva produced while using snus. This is primarily because it contains nicotine and other components that can cause nausea. 

The most saliva is produced when using so-called original portion snus. These pouches are brown and moist, as is their content. The effect of snus is felt immediately after placing it under the lip.

If you are at work, in a restaurant, or another place you cannot spit, you have two other types of pouches available

  • White portion – these pouches are white with a slightly moist surface, but the content is completely dry. This minimizes the need to spit, and the effect is almost immediate after placing them under the lip.
  • White dry portion – these pouches are white with a dry surface and content, and you do not need to spit at all. The flavour and nicotine are released only after they are moistened with saliva. The overall experience can last up to 30 minutes.

Can Snus Be Chewed?

The proper use of snus involves placing it under the lip. It should not be swallowed or chewed. Chewing could damage the pouch, causing you to swallow the components, which could lead to nausea, headaches, and other discomforts.

If snus doesn’t feel comfortable under your lip, try a different size. Currently, these sizes are available on the market: 

  • Mini – the smallest and most discreet type of pouch. Ideal for use at work, in the car, in restaurants, or in the cinema. It is also very comfortable, and you might forget it is under your lip after a few minutes. 
  • Slim – discreet and compact pouches that can be used anytime and anywhere. They contain slightly more product than mini pouches, providing a longer and more intense experience. 
  • Super slim – similar to the slim format but slightly narrower, ensuring a higher level of comfort. 
  • Normal – the classic type that never disappoints. These standard-sized pouches hold more product. They are visible under the lip, so they may not be suitable for work or social events but are perfect for home use.  
  • Large – the largest type of pouch, offering an intense and strong experience. These are visible under the lip, making them ideal for home use.

What About Nicotine Pouches?

You have learned what happens when you swallow snus, but what about nicotine pouches? The answer is similar. The reason is that they have almost the same composition as snus, with the difference being that they do not contain tobacco. Some pouches are even nicotine-free, so their symptoms might be milder. 

However, it is still best to use nicotine pouches as recommended by the manufacturer. This means placing them under your lip for optimal effects.