Many people who use snus are concerned about the potential consequences it may have on their teeth. It’s no surprise as the product frequently comes into contact not only with the gums and tongue but also with tooth enamel, which it can affect in several ways. What are the effects of snus on oral health and what should you know about it?

Snus and Teeth – Which Components Affect Dental Health? 

Snus contains various substances that have different effects on the entire oral cavity. While some can cause mild complications with teeth, others are the opposite. It’s important to note that the specific effects you encounter largely depend on the product you choose. Each brand adds something different to its products. 

According to experts, nicotine is the worst enemy of teeth. It generally has a weakening effect, whether your intake of it comes from a cigarette, snus, or any other source.

The precise extent of snus’s effects on teeth is still unknown, and there are several reasons for this. The primary reason is that there are only a few studies on this topic. To be certain about the effects, experts must conduct further tests. 

Impact of Snus on Dental Health

The impact of snus on your dental health can be divided into two groups

  • short-term effects,
  • long-term effects

Let’s take a closer look at each group.

Short-term effects

These are the effects that typically appear after a short period of regular snus use. Dealing with them is not very challenging, and there are several simple and proved methods to address them.

Short-term effects include:

  • Bad breath – this is not just a problem with snus; cigarettes, cigars, and similar products can also cause it. Chewing gum is a good option to freshen your breath when you spend time with people during the day and you don‘t want them to smell anything. You can have a gum anytime, at home or at work. It will quickly eliminate bad breath and discomfort. Another solution, particularly at home, is brushing your teeth after using snus.  
  • Unpleasant taste – do you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth after using snus? Try changing the product. There are products with various interesting flavours available in the market that can prevent this unpleasant sensation. If you don’t want to change the product, use gum, as mentioned earlier.  
  • Excessive saliva production this is usually encountered by people using original portion snus. Slightly moist pouches require more frequent spitting, which can be a problem at work, in the cinema, in the car, or in a restaurant. It is ideal to replace them with drier white portion pouches.
  • Stained teeth – If you are wondering whether snus stains teeth, the answer is yes, but not always. The main reason for stains or discoloration is often original portion pouches. Their surface is brown and can cause slight yellowing or the formation of spots. If you desire a beautiful white smile, switch to white portion pouches.  
  • Risk of tooth decay – the development of cavities is an unpleasant issue caused by various external factors, including food, drinks, and both smoked and smokeless products. To avoid it, maintain regular oral hygiene by brushing your teeth and interdental spaces. Additionally, do not forget to visit the dentist and, if necessary, use special toothbrushes, pastes, and other products. 

Long-Term Effects

Snus can also cause long-term effects that manifest after several years of regular use. Dealing with them can be somewhat more challenging, but that does not mean you cannot overcome them.

Long-term effects include: 

Slower wound healing in the mouth – when using snus, you may notice that some mouth sores, or even those in other areas, heal more slowly. Tobacco causes this negative effect, and you may encounter it not only with snus but also with cigarettes, for example. The good news is that you can avoid it, as some brands’ products, such as Fedrs or Pablo, do not contain it.

  • Tooth enamel erosion – tooth enamel is very hard, but it cannot withstand a large amount of tobacco. After a while, it starts to soften, leading to the development of dental cavities and inflammations. In this situation, too, pouches without tobacco in their composition are the solution. 
  • Altered pH of the oral cavity – snus can also affect the acidity and pH in the mouth, subsequently leading to the erosion and destruction of tooth enamel.
  • Periodontal disease – this is an inflammatory condition with typical symptoms including inflamed and swollen gums, increased sensitivity, bleeding, numbness, tingling, and so on. Periodontitis is caused by various factors, with poor, inadequate, or incorrect oral hygiene being the most significant. Many snus users can easily avoid this disease with regular and thorough oral care. Additionally, remember to monitor your oral cavity constantly and, in case of minor signs of swelling, do not hesitate to visit your dentist. 
  • Receding gums or gum loss – these are typically associated with untreated advanced periodontitis. Therefore, ensure regular and proper oral cavity care, not only for teeth but also for gums and the tongue.  
  • Increased risks of other diseases (heart attack, cardiovascular diseases, etc.) – these are caused by gum and dental diseases, such as periodontitis. Here, too, when you take good care of your teeth, you can minimize the risks.  

Preventing Negative Effects of Snus

Regular use of snus is associated with several negative effects you should be aware of before deciding to use it. Only in this way you can avoid them and minimize the risk of developing various inflammations, diseases, and other complications.  

A significant advantage for every snus user is that many short-term and long-term effects can be resolved relatively easily. Just follow the tips and advice below:  

  • Regular dental and gum care – the basis of a healthy oral cavity is regular and thorough care. Make sure you clean your teeth properly and do not skip interdental spaces, gums, or even your tongue. Then, ensure regularity. It’s advisable to brush your teeth twice a day (morning and evening), but you can use your toothbrush more times if needed. 
  • Proper tools and accessories – get toothpaste that will take care of fresh and pleasant breath. Along with it, you can use mouthwash, various special gels, or even tinctures. Furthermore, invest in a high-quality toothbrush to clean all oral cavities properly.
  • Preventive check-ups with a dentist – a doctor can detect a beginning problem in your mouth and address it immediately. Therefore, do not forget about regular check-ups, typically once a year.
  • Monitoring your oral cavity – you can also check your teeth and gums yourself. Observe whether anything has changed or if there are any signs of a problem. If so, start dealing with it as soon as possible. 

Problems Are Not Only Caused by Snus

Remember that dental and gum problems are not caused only by snus but also by other external factors. Within the realm of smoked and smokeless products, these include traditional and electronic cigarettes or cigars. Additionally, oral health can be complicated by sweet drinks, sweets, alcohol, coffee, fruit juices, and many other factors. In general, to maintain a healthy and snow-white smile, you must tak proper care of it and not neglect it.